ESCORT B-17S TO WILHEMSHAVEN On November 3, 1943, shortly after the 55th Fighter Group had gone operational, the P-38s were called upon to cover the 40th Bomb Wing over Wilhemshaven. The trip to the target was uneventful, but as the bombers headed home, the P-38s were caught off guard by an aggressive unit of Bf 109s diving out of the sun. Some of the Luftwaffe fighters attacked the bombers, while others attacked the P-38s. One Bf 109 attacked Lt. Robert Buttke's wingman, and Buttke went into a near vertical dive to help him. After pulling out at 14,000 feet, Buttke put a long burst into the enemy fighter, knocking its tail off and forcing its pilot to bail out. Lt. Buttke climbed back up to 25,000 feet to rejoin the bombers, where he shot down another Bf 109 from 300 yards. Lt. Col. Jack Jenkins also scored a kill, to give the 55th their first three victories. If the Lightning pilots hadn't been under strict orders to stay with the bombers, they might have racked up even more bogies. YOUR MISSION You and your wingman are to fly escort for a formation of B-17s as they approach their target area over Wilhemshaven. Once the bombers have completed their run, stay with them until they reach the English coast. Watch the entire sky for Luftwaffe interceptors, and keep them away from the bombers. But remember, you are to stick with the bombers at all costs!